How To Create A Business Plan

Last month's blog focused on how to get funding for a new business. If you're unemployed, or looking to switch things up a bit in your career, you might be interested in finding out how to become self-employed. There's no sense in applying for government funding if you don't know what you want to have a business in. Being your own boss has its perks, but you'll lose interest quickly if you don't have a solid goal and business plan in mind.  So, before you try to finance your new business, it's imperative to consider the specifics of it. This…

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Gender Inequality in the Workplace

In October of last year, the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault allegations story broke in The New Yorker. The publicity surrounding this scandal has caused a lot of questions to be asked about women's position in modern society. In a time of supposed social progress, how is it that male authoritarian figures are still getting away with behavior like this? Almost as disturbing as the rape and unwanted touching accusations in the Weinstein story was the seeming complicity of his staff and colleagues. It is as much a moral stain on those who stayed silent as it is on Weinstein himself.…

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Robots, Machines, and Automation

Hi everyone! Hope you're having a great July. I'm in Florida and we've had some scary thunder and lightning that's as loud as fireworks! It's been a great month so far aside from that though. Anyway, this blog post is about...scary, foreboding music...drum roll...robots, machines, and automation. I just got a shiver down my spine thinking about the worrying progress of computers designed to act more and more like humans. Bladerunner eat your heart out. Machines that Learn Like People Part of the general wariness surrounding technological progress is a subconscious fear that machines will take over the world. This…

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Bizarre Global Trends: Bitcoin

What is Bitcoin? You may never have heard of it, but it's time you did. Bitcoin is taking the online marketplace by storm. But what is it? It's a form of digital currency: money you can't touch, feel, or smell, but money all the same. It is what's known as a 'crypto-currency': a digital cash system. It is also completely decentralized, meaning that it is not backed by a physical commodity (gold) or any government or bank. Japan has legalized crypto-currencies, and other countries will likely follow: just a few days ago (June 23rd) news of China developing its own…

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UK Recruitment Trends 2017

I've assessed a number of resources in order to find out the greatest range of 2017 recruitment trends for employees and employers alike. Read on to discover what challenges and benefits there are for job-hunters and hiring companies that look set to continue into 2018: Casual Hiring Bronwen Hann, President & Senior Partner at Argentus Supply Chain Recruiting, notes a trend of companies choosing to cash in on a 'gig economy'. According to Hann, 'more companies than ever are choosing to 'rent' rather than hire talent, even at the director level and above.'(1) Skills Shortage There is more competition than…

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Trump’s Effect on Jobs in the UK

Last Friday, the 20th of January, saw the inauguration of America's 45th President, Donald J. Trump. A controversial figure, Trump's campaign promised to bring manufacturing back to America and look after the American worker, who he felt had been severely let down by the Obama administration. I'm not here to tell you what I think about Trump. I'm here to tell you something much more relevant to recruitment. This post examines the effect of Trump's presidency on the UK job market. How will his inauguration directly affect British workers and job-seekers? Let's find out. I'm no stock market expert, but…

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Post-Brexit Job Market

Happy September-almost-October everybody. This post is four days overdue. In case you hadn't noticed, they're supposed to be out on the 25th. Well, I have no reasonable explanation for why I didn't make the deadline this month. I actually just lost track of the date, and the only way I was reminded of it was checking the use-by on sausages in the fridge. Anyway, last month I promised to be more specific about the impact of Brexit on the job front, so here it is. After consulting various sources provided below, I have some insights to share with you that…

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More About Brexit

I promised you all I would write in greater detail about Brexit last month, so here it is. One month after the referendum, The Guardian published an article talking about the impact Brexit had on the economy. Now, The Guardian is an anti-Brexit newspaper, so pretty much any discussion they put out there is going to spell doom and gloom for the future of Britain. However, that being said, the article in question does present some graphs and evidence; a refreshing anomaly compared to the usual patronising rhetoric. So it's up to me to have a look and see what the…

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Why you Shouldn’t Panic about Brexit

This month's post adopts a somewhat more serious tone than usual. This is because I'm tired of the distorted 'facts' circulated by 'experts', 'objective' media outlets, and morons on social media about the UK's decision to leave the EU. Firstly, it's difficult to find a quality source that doesn't get all melodramatic about the supposed end-of-the-world Brexit repercussions. This is because the media is generally supportive of the Remain campaign. Thus, you will be hard-pressed to find a newspaper article online that presents an objective analysis of the consequences. Then we have the so-called economics experts. When we read an…

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