• Full Time
  • Alresford
  • Salary Guide: £31,875 - £63,750

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This is an exciting opportunity to combine both office and field work. We are looking for a well travelled and experienced wildlife expert to combine ... Role: Operations Manager, Category: Manufacturing, Size: 1-10

This is an exciting opportunity to combine both office and field work. We are looking for a well travelled and experienced wildlife expert to combine the management of a portfolio of Naturetrek holidays (from our Mingledown Barn office, near Alton, Hampshire) with the leadership of around four to five tours each year. In addition, the successful applicant will be asked to actively improve and develop our holiday product by visiting and researching new regions each year. The role will include the packaging of such new destinations and, more importantly, all aspects of the both the organisation and operation of Naturetrek tours to both these new and existing Naturetrek destinations.

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