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How to attract the best applicants

When you begin a new hiring campaign, you’ll want to make sure you’re receiving applications from the best employees out there. As a business, hiring the best staff who fit in with your company and your team is so important, and you want to make sure you are hiring reliable, hard-working staff wherever possible. So, what are the most important things to consider when you’re looking to attract the best applicants?

Company values and culture

If your business doesn’t already have a strong set of values, create some by asking your employees what it is that they love about working for your company. Learn from them and combine their answers with your business aims to come up with a set of values that really reflects you and your company. Positive company values are attractive to potential employees and will give your company a brand which will set you apart from your competition.

Employees look for companies with an authentic set of values and a positive corporate culture. Corporate culture is something that takes time to build up and is experienced more on a day-to-day basis. Every single employee is a part of your corporate culture, and each person experiences it too. Culture is built up not just of your company values but is to do with your team, your communication, your environment. Create a great and welcoming corporate culture to attract like-minded employees who will be a great addition to your team and help to reflect and reinforce that energy you are trying to create.

Offer a strong employee benefits package.

Nowadays, most companies offer a variety of benefits, and employees have come to expect them. Whether it’s flexible working hours, paid sick leave, healthy snacks, subscription services or anything else, give your company an edge and offer employees something that will make them want to work for you above the next best company.

When you’re putting together an employee benefits scheme, make sure to ask your employees what they want. Email them, put together a yearly survey or ask them in person, but make sure to get your current employees on board, and make them feel listened to. If employees have a say in the benefits they are receiving, they will be even more satisfied by what they receive.

If you’re thinking of putting together a selection of benefits for your employees, use this employee perks platform to curate a personalised package that suits the needs of your company and employees alike.

Curate a marketing strategy for recruiting

With fewer applicants actively looking for work as rates of unemployment go down, it can be harder to hire through traditional online recruitment methods. As a result, it may be worth your while to target employees who are not actively looking for a job. One way of doing this is through an internal referral program. There are many advantages to internal applicants, such as a higher quality of applicants. If you’ve already hired them and are considering them for a promotion, you know they’re a good employee! Internal referral programs also mean a shorter time required to fill a given position, as well as lower costs including hiring and training.

If you’re looking for external applicants, make use of a variety of platforms, including social media to attract the right candidates for you, and write a great job description, to make sure those interested in the position know exactly what it is they’re applying for.


The best ways to attract the best applicants, have a strong sense of company values and culture, consider internal applications and market your hiring program effectively, and offer a great employee benefits scheme.

Bio – An avid sports lover and creative writer, Jodie loves nothing more than sharing her insight into her favourite topics. As well as rugby and football, Jodie also enjoys writing about business and translating complicated corporate jargon into digestible and insightful content.