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5 Reasons To Become A Carer

Being a carer is a popular career choice in the UK. Statistics show that as of 2020, around 6.5 million people are carers, and it is likely that number will only continue to grow. While being a carer is a popular career choice, it is also a demanding job, so you must be aware of the challenges before you enter the field. Being a carer can open up a lot of other opportunities for you and it can also be a great way to meet like-minded people. If you are considering becoming a carer or you are looking for a new direction to take your career, then here are our five reasons to become a carer.

Extremely Rewarding

One of the great parts about becoming a carer is that it is an extremely rewarding job. Being a carer gives you the opportunity to help some of the most vulnerable people and give them a new lease of life. Many elderly people find themselves stuck and home and isolated and carers provide them with much-needed company and support. As a carer, you get to make a real difference in someone’s life, and you can ease the pressure on their family too. Often, when someone requires care, family members will step in to help, but they cannot always be there as they will likely have full-time jobs and other commitments. As a carer, you get to help everyone in the family and ensure their loved one is taken care of. Abney & Baker offer some great carer jobs, which can be found at The Fairer Carer Company. If you are seriously considering a job as a carer, we would recommend checking them out first. 

Opportunity For Career Growth

Another great part of being a carer is that is gives you some great opportunities for career growth. Many jobs do not offer any career growth, and people can find themselves stuck in the same position for years with no sign of progression. While working as a carer, you will have access to a host of new training opportunities that can advance your career. A lot of carer jobs will offer training while on the job, which means you can use your first-hand experience from the job to excel in your training. The qualifications that you will gain throughout your job as a carer can be applicable to future roles too. Once you have gained the qualifications, you will have the opportunity to climb the ladder and hopefully land a managerial role.

Good Working Hours

One huge benefit of working in the care sector is the working hours. Full-time work as a carer can be tough, but the work guarantees that you will always be kept busy and have something to do. Care work involves a mix of day, evening, and weekend shifts which gives you a huge amount of flexibility with you time. If you have a day off in the week, it means you can get things done like shopping without the busyness of a weekend crowd. Working as a carer can mean that your shifts will differ weekly, which can be great if you are the type of person that doesn’t want a standard nine to five job. Additionally, it means you can get to see your clients on different days and learn more about their routines as you are not just visiting on the same day every week.

Competitive Pay

Working as a carer for The Fairer Care Company is a great opportunity as they are against zero-hour contracts. The standard contract that they offer is a guaranteed pay contract, which means that you will be guaranteed a minimum level of pay even if they cannot offer you any work. Additionally, they offer full shift pay which means that you are guaranteed to be paid right from the start of your first visit to the very end of your last visit. This is extremely beneficial as it means you will be paid for any overtime you may encounter on your visits. There is no way to tell how one visit will go, so knowing that you will be paid regardless, can help you do your job better. Furthermore, The Fairer Care Company also include travel time in your pay, meaning there is one less thing to worry about.

Something New Everyday

Another great part of being a carer is that every shift can be different. There is no way to guarantee how a visit is going to go, so you have to be prepared for every eventuality. If you find the standard nine to five structure mundane, then working as a carer could be a great opportunity for you. Being a carer means that you experience something new every day which is great because it keeps you on your toes and allows you to gain more experience every shift. Every time you visit your clients, you will learn something new about them, which means you can become a better carer. Being a great carer is all about understanding your client’s needs and ensuring you provide them with the best possible care.


Overall, being a carer can be an extremely tough, but rewarding job. While it is not for everyone, if you dislike the idea of a standard office job, then caring could be the career for you. It gives you the opportunity to provide some peace of mind to a client’s family as they know their relative is being well looked after. Additionally, it means you can form strong long-lasting bonds with people you may never have met outside of work, and you can make a real difference in their life. We all wish to age gracefully, and sometimes we need an extra bit of care to help us live our best life after retirement. As a carer, you get to ensure that the elderly people of your community are well looked after and that they are continuing to live a happy and fulfilling life.

Bio – An avid sports lover and creative writer, Jodie loves nothing more than sharing her insight into her favourite topics. As well as rugby and football, Jodie also enjoys writing about business and translating complicated corporate jargon into digestible and insightful content.