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What is the Most Fulfilling Job?

Sometimes it’s essential to step back from the pressures of having to find work and consider the possibility that you might actually get to do a job you love. Sources all vary, but there are a number of jobs that continuously crop up on the lists of most satisfying jobs. It is interesting to note also that a lot of these jobs aren’t anywhere near the top pay bracket. Forbes has articles about the best jobs which are well-paid but I’m more interested in finding out the job which promises the most fulfilment even on an average pay scale. And here it is: The Number One Most Fulfilling Job…apparently.


Hmmmm, this one is very surprising, considering the fact that there are always teacher strikes going on! I have always had a bit of an issue with teachers going on strike as I was a teacher myself for a while and found the pay very fair. I think we generally live in a world where people have an innate sense of entitlement but hey, that’s the beginnings of another post right there (‘Why are we such divas about work in the developed world?’ would be a nice working title haha). Anyway, despite the constant flurry of educators refusing to work and displaying wooden signposts on the lawn,The Guardian supposes that this glorious breed are not only content, but the most content of all. Hmmmm. Still a bit sceptical here. It is The Guardianafter all! According to them, teaching was mentioned as one of the most fulfilling jobs in five out of nine surveys and its highest rank was first. I will provide the link to the article below. A-ha! Now I see. The problem is, these surveys lump in all different kinds of teachers into the same category of general teacher. The article cites examples of very happy teachers, some which may be in denial and some which are very specialised. You have everyone from grammar school teachers to teachers of autistic children all filling out these surveys. No wonder it made the top: of course it’s very fulfilling to teach disabled children who are well-behaved, but this aspect of teaching leaves out the reality of teaching in public schools (the schools which let pretty much anyone in and don’t have a yearly fee or any type of entry exam). The most bizarre comment is made by a head of sixth form at a school in London; he says ‘young people are great to work with’.  Well, Mr. Hand, all I can say is, you’ve never taught bonafide public school teenagers then! I taught at a public school before which was in general a nice place; nice staff, polite enough students, the works. However, there was this one class group that all the teachers dreaded. I don’t know what it was about the particular mix of students, but every time I had them I felt like Michelle Pfeiffer from Dangerous Minds; except without the redemptive part about the kids all improving and wanting to learn. Many a time I pretty much spent half the class kicking people out of the class and sending them to study hall (the place where the ‘bad kids’ go to write notes and text on their smartphone). I remember feeling like I was getting somewhere and really ‘reaching the kids’ (please, pass me the paper bag) just because I actually got to a point where they all sat down. Yes, getting them all to sit down was a remarkable achievement…I never did get my Teacher of the Year award.

So there you have it folks; teachers are happy chappies in the world of work…still not a believer! Until next month.


1. The Guardian Happy Jobs Article

2. Caterpillar Image

Copyright Gillian Rixey, Company Jobs Direct Ltd.

by Gillian Rixey
(Gillian is a PhD qualified freelance writer and scholar born in Ireland but currently residing in the United States.)