The world has now changed largely during the last few years. The COVID-19 pandemic forced lots of people to work remotely, which turned out to be a good idea. Some of them did find this lifestyle more difficult to handle.
Many of those people who used to work in the office suddenly realized that they could do better and earn more from home. Their need to change the routine, to change their job became urgent. Yet, the resume they were mass sending or the CVs they had prepared years ago do not get any feedback. Their LinkedIn account doesn’t add much value as well.
This new trend now changes the labor market, and also introduces new rules for people who are looking for a job. They have to make themselves and their profiles visible to recruiters while emphasizing their interest in remote jobs.
With that in mind, many of them are now scanning top resume reviews to find a company that can help in crafting a resume that stands out. You can use this help, but you also should know what things make you visible as a job seeker.
Yet, this is not the only problem you may have if you choose to work from home. Improving your visibility as a remote worker is critical if you want to progress in your career.
Below you’ll find a few tips on how you can do that:
Structure Your Remote Work
Regardless of the nature of your work, you need to build a routine, and it will make you stand out. First of all, do not work in your pajamas. This is a wrong strategy. Working while laying down on the couch with your laptop in your hands doesn’t serve you well.
Your approach to work will definitely get noticed if you prove that you are serious and determined to work. The way you structure your day and plan your activities affect how visible you are as a remote worker.

Make Yourself Seen
If you want to be visible in the world of remote work, you must make yourself seen and heard. Speak up whenever you can, use corporate or virtual means of communication, be proactive, collaborate, and build relationships.
The more people you know and the more meetings you attend, the better you are known as a reliable teammate and a go-to person. After all, this is what makes you a part of a company, and this is what makes you remembered.
Help Others the Best You Can
As an individual working with a remote or virtual team, you still can help. You can share the documents you have, provide advice, and just be there when someone needs it. This is what colleagues do regardless of their location.
Such help can also make you visible and integral to the team. It will make sure that even if you are miles away, you are still connected and helping to reach the goal.
Participate in Special Initiatives
Don’t think that a remote worker cannot be part of a team fully. Lots of team-building initiatives have moved online when COVID-19 started. That reflected on the scope and format of side projects and initiatives offered by many companies.
Today, you can make yourself visible by simply taking part in all those engagements. Just being part of a bigger team during extracurricular activities reminds everyone, including your colleagues and bosses, of your presence.
Post Status Updates
Take advantage of your channels of communication to let everyone know that you are at arm’s length and you are working. This will help your colleagues understand what you are doing at the moment and how they can help.
For larger organizations, such things will also help you showcase your accomplishments. Quick and relevant status updates will let your employer know that you are indeed working and driving progress rather than sitting and passively watching.
Engage in Consultations with Supervisors
Letting your immediate supervisors know that you are interested in their opinion and advice may help you strengthen your position within the company. It’s not that you should consult with them on every problem; however, being present during office hours and spending extra time working together is a great way to send the right message.
Such a strategy may not only make your name heard. You will be able to discuss your career expectations and goals with your managers. Who knows maybe this is what they needed all along to make the right decision?

Improve Continuously
If you want to impress everyone as a remote worker, do not forget about professional development. Courses, certifications, licenses – all of it should remain your main priority.
The workplace is changing so fast that new professional skills along with adaptability have become key for remote jobs. Make sure you catch up with this trend. Invest in your professional development and let others know that you are doing that. It will definitely add up to your profile or a remote worker.
Build a Better Version of Yourself
Do everything that makes you stand out from the crowd and document those accomplishments. Now it’s not the right time to be shy about your achievements. Instead, as a remote worker, you need to build your brand, build your professional profile, and sell your skills high.
Use all the tools available: LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social media. Speak up, comment, post things you believe are relevant to your occupation. Remember that you need to wow everyone constantly given the tough competition.
Shifting from office work to remote is not an easy thing. Yet, many people did it well and now don’t see any reason to get back to the office. That’s understandable because suddenly it turned out that many jobs can be effectively performed at a distance.
However, the world of remote work has its own rules and policies. Being active, visible, and heard is essential. You can find a huge amount of offers at That’s why it’s so important to communicate and participate in every extracurricular activity if your goal is to be noticed and feel part of a team.