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Looking For Ways To Improve Your Laboratory Sourcing Process: Our Top Tips

Sourcing supplies and equipment for a lab can feel like a never-ending task. There are so many things that labs go through daily, making a robust sourcing process critical to the success of many a laboratory. Plenty of labs use a wide range of suppliers to source the different things they need, with a few select favourites they go to time and again. If you want to improve your sourcing process, this might not be the best solution.

It is vital that you regularly reassess the suppliers you work with, your process, the materials you use and the prices you pay. A lab must be run efficiently if it is to remain successful and operational, and the sourcing process really can make all the difference.

Look At Your Current Process

One mistake many lab managers fall into is letting the current processes remain the same for too long. The same processes that suited your lab six months or a year ago may not be the best for right now. So many things can affect sourcing, from global events to shortages of certain materials from natural disasters. Even smaller changes that might not be immediately apparent can make a big difference to how and where you should source your lab materials.

Partner With Quality Suppliers

Sourcing from the best suppliers available is critical for the success of your lab and research. Though it is vital to look for the best deals when finding suppliers, this should never come at the cost of quality. An excellent option for sourcing processes is to narrow down your suppliers to a small number of the very best quality companies. This can ensure that you have the supplies you need at the best possible price and with the highest consistency. Particularly when it comes to things like chemical suppliers, it is crucial to choose the best. Apollo Scientific are an excellent model of what lab managers should be looking for.

Maintain A Relationship With Your Suppliers

Once you have determined the suppliers you want to work with, it is crucial to build an ongoing relationship with them. Make contact regularly to ensure you’re getting the best deals and to discuss how they can help meet your needs as they change. By having a working relationship with your suppliers, you can be sure of getting the best from them.

Standardise Your Approach

The materials and equipment you use in your labs should always be able to provide consistent, accurate results. Sourcing from various suppliers can cause shifts in the quality, sizing and reliability of the materials you use, which can be detrimental to the scientific processes taking place there. By standardising all of the things you use, you can ensure that your results are consistent and that the projects you deliver are of the highest quality.

Summing Up

No matter what your lab studies, builds or creates, it is vital that you have the tools and materials necessary to do outstanding work. You can’t afford to let your outsourcing process fall by the wayside – it is instrumental to keeping your lab running efficiently and successfully. It is important to regularly rethink your sourcing process as prices, your lab needs, and other variables change. Being proactive is critical to ensure that your lab is run as productively and cost-effectively as possible.

Bio – An avid sports lover and creative writer, Jodie loves nothing more than sharing her insight into her favourite topics. As well as rugby and football, Jodie also enjoys writing about business and translating complicated corporate jargon into digestible and insightful content.